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4th World Forkie NON-Olympic Games 2015


4th Forkie NON-Olympic Games 

The Games 2015 will be truly the WORLD GAMES! 
As of today, representatives of three continents  (Europe, Asia and Australia) and in total five countries  (Australia, Czech Republic,  Ireland, Poland and Turkey) are enrolled on the starting list, while other countries will be represented by those who have already lived in the Czech Republic yet their mother tongue is not Czech (Israel, Bolgaria). 
Translation will be mostly provided  between Czech and English.
All athletes, jocks, males, females, champions and losers are invited to challenge the forkie disciplines. The competition consists of a forkie pentathlon, males and females separately:
- Tossing the Pitchfork
- Pitchfork Darts
- Throwing the Straw Sheaf for Height  
- Trivia Quiz
- Time bonus - Collecting Gift Items (Horse Excrements Picking Contest)
Each contestant receives  a very unique badge. The contestants wearing outdoor cameras and shooting their performances  are exempted from the starting fee  (CZK 50 Kč or EUR 2).
Ceramic trophies for the 2015 Games are made by visually impaired artists in the protected workshop in Vlaštovičky. 
The Games open by the traditional  Forkie Marching  through the village of Lichnov. Every decorative vehicle will obtain a special registration plate.
 Čížina Band will make a videoclip
In addition to the music performance, the  Čižina Band has scheduled their last shooting day of their new video clip about the village boy for the day of the Forkie Games. The video will be a part of their new CD prepared for the Christmas.
Nebezpečné vidle Band (Dangerous Pitchfork Band) arrives with a new  CD.
Lobník Choir
The choir from Dvorce , one of the key performing bodies of the Forkie Games in  2013, earned standing ovation due the spontaneous  25 folk songs re-texted in the way the people would sing  if they got rid of shyness usually accompanying pitchforks. This year, we would like to record their  performance on live CD. So if you love singing and have forkie blood in your vains, come and sing along.
Certifcate of being awarded with the Forkie title
If you would like to connect your visit in the museum with the opportunity to be awarded the Forkie title, do not leave the pitchfork you want to donate to the museum at home! Certificates are issued immediately. If you are a  certificate-less donor who had donated a pitchfork earlier,  ask us for the certificate.
Farmer  Zoo and Children Games
This year, activities for children who come with  their parents are included in the programme . They will be introduced to real animals and they can  participate in several forkie disciplines. 
Pitchfork Beer on tap
Pivovarský dům Ostrava (Brewery Ostrava) has produced a special beer at the occasion of the 2015 Forkie  Games. The brewery house is a proud sponsor of the Forkie Games. You can find  more information about the Pitchfork Beer  here.
New exposition  "Barn"  and new museum rest room
The future of the Museum will be predicted by means of cards, coffee dregs and spinning wheel 
The annual prophecy made by Mrs. Kamila Bartůšková , fortune-teller (cards), will be complemented by prophecies made by  Irem Çakır from Instanbul (coffee dregs) and by the Ladies' Club from  Dvorce (who process wool on spinning wheel, and are willing to spin the life thread for the Fork Museum).
EBRU - painting on water with fork
Nearly a year ago, Tess established her  Ebru Atelier focused on traditional Turkish painting technique, painting on water. The technique will be demonstrated with use of pitchfork.
Snack bar
Since the main sponsors of this event are your thirst and your hunger, our family snack bar will be in operation. The menu include mackerels roasted by my father, smoked sausages and other traditional goodies available  only  in our museum, such as  Lilienka's vol-au-vents, my sister's French crepes and exclusive forkie-biscuits. Lenka will cook oyster mushroom goulash and cabbage soup.
The event is organized in the spirit of forkies' sponsorship. Non-forkies and candidate forkies are heartily welcome!. Admission is voluntary and it will be used as contribution to the  Forkie Games budget as for further development of the Fork Museum. 



Preview of picture in folder IV. Vidlácké neolympijské hry 2015